This has easily become my most satisfying purchase I ever did online.
I'll be very honest: I like to consider myself too much of a perfectionist with a very keen eye for detail, and everything is so perfect, where do I even start?
I already knew what the luxurious packaging would look like, but how it looks on a screen does not do justice to how it looks and feels now that it's in my hands. The tray slid out from the box with the slightest of efforts when pulled from the attached ribbon. It contained the copy of the paid invoice, the jewelry care essentials flyer, the refer a friend flyer, the ring size tool, the diamond certificate in its holder and your two business cards (I'm definitely keeping these handy when I need to refer someone!), all cleanly enclosed in the branded pouch and stored away in the tray.
On to the packaging's highlight, the mesmerizingly perfect ring I chose with your help and Whiteflash's magnificently detailed website. Here I'd like to point out that I never even considered researching for buying such a valuable object online, but when I bumped into the website and started corresponding with yourself, I changed my mind to the extent that it has easily become my most satisfying purchase I ever did online and that I'll definitely consider doing again in the future.
The distinctive lacquered cherry and black motif is elegant and sophisticated, conveying a richness that is immediately tangible. A high quality outer box with Whiteflash logo features an inner liner and hinged side making it easy to remove and replace the ring box." All of this resting on a very solid protective packing. The small branded leatherette pouch is also something that I enjoyed having as I am still not sure if to use this or the engagement ring box on the day.
To recap, I never imagined being this happy with such a purchase and I am eagerly looking forward to seeing my future-wife-to-be's reaction when I give her the ring!
Thank you so much, Becca, and everyone at Whiteflash! ??
Luca M, Malta