My new diamond earrings are even more beautiful than I expected!
It's amazing the difference it makes having them set as opposed to looking at them loose! I don't see the tint at all now, and they both look nice and white (yes, all that worry for nothing)! I was almost shocked at the size when I opened the box because they looked so much larger than my old ones! That kind of scared me and made me wonder if I had gone too large, but in reality, my ears have plenty of room for 2 cts per ear, so they really don't look all that huge! lol! I can pretty much say that this is my FINAL pair, though!!! And what a great pair to have! The settings are perfect and I am glad I went with them! Thanks for hunting them down!
Thanks for all your help! I look forward to our next project!!
Janis C, North Carolina, USA