I couldn't wait anymore, so as soon as I got the call from fedex, I went over there to pick it up! I actually got the ring before I got your e-mail (hahaha).
I couldn't wait anymore, so as soon as I got the call from fedex, I went over there to pick it up! I actually got the ring before I got your e-mail (hahaha). I'm just a bit excited! It looks amazing...I absolutely love it, and I'm sure Jen will too! I can't wait to ask her...I was debating waiting until January (we were going on a weekend trip to San Diego), but I think I'm gonna have to ask sooner than that (possibly in front of the big Christmas tree in New York City...we go there every year).
I'm just so excited you have no idea...I can't wait and I absolutely love the diamond!
Thanks again for all of your help, and I am definately going to suggest Renee with whenever someone enters the diamond market!
Mike, Singapore