Hello Jaime ,
Thank you for your email.
Hello Jaime ,
Thank you for your email. I just want to tell you that the ring is getting rave reviews from everyone who sees it...but most important of all....I love it more everyday when i look at it !!!!!!
I love to see the sparkle in my wife's eyes and her radiant smile when she wears it. The ring is soooo BLING BLING !!!!!
The appraiser and jewelery shop are in awe by its quality !!!!!
The July 4th holiday is winding down now :-) my family stayed back for another week and i spent it with them .
I am still on vacation until this coming week...i think i am starting to like this not working stuff :-)...but i got to go back and recup some of the funds i spent for the wedding :-)
I am already referring people to your website for their wedding ring needs and told them to ask for Jaime....they want to look around but i told them that they will eventually end up with your company. The BLING BLING diamond i got is enough advertisement for your company everytime anyone sees it.
When i buy another diamond....it will only be from your company !!!!!!!
Thank you very much again Jaime for helping me out with my dream diamond....and we couldnt have asked for a more perfect wedding !!!!!! I am going to forward you some pics when i get the proofs back from my photographer.
I wanted to ask you....do you recommend the ultrasound machines for keeping the diamond and ring clean ? How do i take care of it to keep it BLING BLING :-) and not damage it ? Stay in touch.....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!
Your smiling friend :-)
Win, New York, USA