Whiteflash is awesome to work with
Great site, easy to find exactly what you are looking for. They have a lot of great looking settings as well, in fact they had more that I liked than on any other site.
My personal experience is that they were awesome to work with. I had a single point of contact throughout the whole process that I called to discuss several questions I had before ultimately making the purchase online (if you click through pricescope.com you get a discount). They called me to setup the payment and stayed in contact with me from start to finish. We ultimately had to get the ring resized a 1/4 size and that was fairly painless except for the $50 jeweler charge and $20 return shipping, but I didn't mind given that they told me this would be the case upfront.
For those of you worried about ordering from them online (like I was), there is a lot of info on them. They are a sponsor for the forum at pricescope.com and you can read others' experiences. There are also a lot of educational articles there to help you make sure you get exactly what you want.
Thanks Whiteflash for making my purchase a painless experience.
David A., Utah, USA