Blown Away by the performance of the A CUT ABOVE
I got it! A few hours ago...was a bit delayed in picking it up. I put it on for a 15 minute photo shoot and to just try it on but I''''m scared to wear it. It''''s in the box right now. I''''m not sure what I''''m afraid of....perfection?
I will sent a more thought out and proper thank you to you and your team, but for now I''''ll just say I am blown away by the performance of this stone. It truly makes my other one look like a dud...and it appraised very well (twice...the first time and after I reset it) and I was told it was quite a nice stone. This one blows it out of the water....truly.
It looked a smidgen smaller then I had hoped for when I opened the box...but on my finger it seemed to grow (strange). It''''s absolutely spectacular. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the legato head and the micro pave setting. I have already played around with the little viewer thingy that came in the box and was even able to see the arrows on the melee! Impressive!
Thank you SO much for guiding me through this process and for being so patient with me! I could not be more thrilled.
Excuse me while I go stare into the box some more.... :)
Julie, New York, USA