Whiteflash Diamond Blows Away Customer!
Good news! We took our vacation this past week and I proposed on Monday the 13th. She loves board games and we play them all the time. Her favorite is a game called Carcassonne. It?ˆ™s sort of funny because I pretty much hate it but we always end up playing it since it?ˆ™s her favorite. Anyway, I bought a copy of the game before we left for vacation. I emptied the box and refilled with pictures of us, movie stubs, notes, etc (all the stuff I?ˆ™ve been saving over the years). Then I put the ring inside a CD lyrics booklet next to our song and put that in the box. I put the game pieces back in and then closed and resealed it using a shrink wrap system I managed to get from some industrial supply place. I took the box with me to California (where we went on vacation) and then told her we should go out and get a board game to play. I had called the local Barnes and Noble ahead of time to make sure they had a copy in the store. So we went out and I bought another copy of the game. After that we went out on a picnic in a park where I suggested that we play Carcassonne. I, of course, had slyly switched the boxes without her knowing. I got up to grab something and had her open the box and when she took the game pieces off and opened the lyrics booklet I was behind her on one knee. She was extremely surprised! She loves the ring as much as I do and has been showing it off nonstop since she put it on. I?ˆ™ve been sneaking peaks at the finger of every married woman I run into and I have to say that my ring (well I guess it?ˆ™s not mine anymore!) blows most of them right out of the water. I?ˆ™m so happy I found you and whiteflash!
Andy, California, USA