Nothing Short of Spectacular
I''ve been meaning to write you a short note letting you know how beautiful the diamond is. It was nothing short of spectacular. Don''t know if you remember our conversation but I took the diamond and compared it to a ""similar"" diamond our local jewelry store had flown in.
I brought my Whiteflash A CUT ABOVE diamond in complete with my hearts and arrows viewer and performed the comparison. It was a hands down no brainer between the Whiteflash diamond and the other one. I had it set in the ring the same day and the rest is now history.
The saleslady even admitted my diamond looked better. Her diamond had good hearts and arrows but the inclusions were much larger and more visible. My Whiteflash diamond was so bright and clear I couldn''t see the inclusions with my viewer which was the real selling point for me. Even though it is an I in color you just can''t tell looking face down.
Thanks for your help and yes, I''ll send others your way.
Terry F, Singapore