The ring performed very well indeed
Thanks to your efforts in getting the diamond set and delivered on a weekend the proposal went very well and yes, ""she said yes!"" . I did not believe how nervous a guy can get asking a simple question!
Yes she was surprised, and she loved the stunning ring (it literally floored her) and the ring performed very well indeed.
Our friends can''t stop looking at the ring! Guys as well as girls.
and my guy friends are certainly not into jewelry at all! With almost everyone always asking about the diamond buying process. Guys to get more of an idea and the ladies to have more info to feed to their significant other.
Of course I have mentioned Whiteflash glowingly and the service that I received from both yourself and the Whiteflash team..............which could only be described as superlative!
Thank you again so much for your help!
Dave, Japan