Diamond Price Calculator
We've created this useful diamond price calculator tool to give shoppers a real-time ballpark estimate for the size and quality of natural diamonds being considered. The price shown reflects the average cost of all diamonds in our database that match your selected parameters, including both in-house and vendor options.
Precision diamonds, such as our
A CUT ABOVE® super ideals, may be priced higher than the average. If no results appear, try adjusting your parameters.
For more precisely targeted pricing information and guidance
please feel free to contact us. One of our knowledgeable GIA trained diamond consultants will be happy to assist you. They are longtime Whiteflash employees and do not work on commission. Their only goal is to help you find the diamond that is right for YOU.
Diamond Calculator FAQs
1. How accurate is the diamond price calculator?
Our calculator provides an estimated price based on real-time market data, but individual diamond prices can vary based on cut quality, certification, and specific characteristics. For the most precise pricing, we recommend browsing our online catalogue, including in-house diamonds which are fully evaluated and available for immediate delivery.
2. Does the price calculator include lab-grown diamonds?
No, our diamond price calculator is designed specifically for natural diamonds. If you're interested in lab-grown diamond pricing, you can learn more about how lab diamond prices are structured on our
Lab Diamond Pricing Guide.
3. What factors influence diamond prices the most?
While size (carat weight) and shape play a major role, cut quality has the biggest impact on a diamond’s beauty and value. Other factors include clarity, color, fluorescence, and certification from reputable labs like
IGI and
4. Can I use the calculator to get a price for selling my diamond?
No, our diamond price calculator estimates retail pricing for new diamonds. If you are looking to sell a diamond, resale values are typically lower, and we recommend consulting with a professional diamond buyer.
5. Why do some diamonds cost more or less than the calculator’s estimate?
The calculator provides an average price based on available inventories. Precision cut diamonds, such as our in-house
A CUT ABOVE® super-ideal diamonds, may be priced higher due to superior light performance. Lower-priced diamonds may have issues related to cut quality, fluorescence, milkiness or undesirable color tinges.